Saturday, September 27, 2008

2 sets of Parents

Here are 2 sets of parents - one set is going home with no children and the other set is going home with one. Can you guess which one is going home with none??

A Sleepover - not 1, not 2, but 3 boys!

Here we are eating popcorn and watching Dinosaur!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Feast of the Triumph of the Cross

We think like humans and that is not as God thinks. For God most is opposite. In my Magnificat reading this morning it says: "humility is exaltation, wounds are healing, death is life." For all those who believe will find the fullness of life in eternity. Believe that you might live. Seek God's help to strengthen your faith. If Catholic use the sacraments to be fed and filled - first reconciliation to be cleansed as we wash our hands before a meal and then Eucharist to be fed. How blessed we are!! God calls us all his beloved children for we are his creation and all are uniquely created.
God bless!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Maisie's Christening Day!!

God's blessings on you, Maisie!!
What a beautiful Christening gown she wore!
Made in 1911!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Zachary's first day of school

Zachary already for his first day of third grade!!
Zachary with his dad and little brother Keegan
Zachary with his mom

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Happy Birthday, Paul, and Happy third Birthday, Evan!!

Happy Birthday, Evan - born 9/2/2005
Big Boy Evan - three years old
Happy Birthday, Paul - born 9/2/1969
Young man, Paul, with youngest son Keegan

Calvin's first day of school

Calvin in his summer uniform already for another school year - 4th grade!
Calvin with mom, dad, and baby sister!
Calvin with his friend