Monday, May 10, 2010

Easter: Day Thirty-Seven, Monday May 10, 2010

Do you ever miss the reception of the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ? Do you ever yearn to go to the table of Our Lord and be fed? He calls us and desires our presence. And when we go, we go with deep humility and sorrow for the sin that has defaced our souls and marred our spirits. We go knowing that He alone can cleanse and heal and truly forgive us. He gave us this great sacrament to feed us and strengthen us for the journey. But he also gave us the great sacrament of confession so we can know our sins and share them with the person of Christ who forgives and heals us. Who longs to give us the sacramental graces we need to complete this journey and return to our Heavenly Home!
God bless!!

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