Sunday, May 4, 2008

Sunday May 11 is Pentecost Sunday

Prepare this week for Pentecost by learning something new about the Holy Spirit. Remember Pentecost is when the Holy Spirit came upon the apostles as they were gathered in the upper room very much afraid! 
What about the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit - do you remember what they are?

Gifts of the Holy Spirit enable us to live a holy Christian life. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit are:
  1. Wisdom - desire for the things of God, and to direct our whole life and all our actions to His honor and glory
  2. Understanding - enable us to know more clearly the mysteries of faith
  3. Counsel - warn us of the deceits of the devil, and of the dangers to salvation
  4. Fortitude - strengthen us to do the will of God in all things
  5. Knowledge - enable us to discover the will of God in all things
  6. Piety - love God as a Father, and obey Him because we love Him
  7. Fear of the Lord - have a dread of sin and fear of offending God
From the web site:

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