Sunday, May 10, 2009


This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad. Mother's Day is really every day of the year that a mother and her children spend together in love and laughter. Mothers are people who cherish their children as gifts given to them from a creator who loves us all; a creator who gave us the gift to give life to these precious children. Mothers are people who recognize the dignity and specialness of each individual soul entrusted to their care. Mothers are people who are open to this gift of life and entrust themselves to God's plan for them. Mothers are people who teach their children that God is first and then all else will fall into place for them. Mothers are always mothers no matter how old their children are. Happy Mother's Day to all!! May God's presence in your life and His blessings and peace be the greatest gifts that you receive this day! Amen!!

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