Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The making of Adults

Adults may make children but it's really children who make adults. It's in the total unselfish giving of oneself that we truly find our maturity and children demand this of us. As we raise children we find ourselves becoming more loving as they teach us how to love, more forgiving as they teach us how to forgive, more compassionate as they teach us compassion.  We might even become more daring as we watch their adventuresome spirits and we might even desire to become lifelong learners as we watch them learn and grow. We discover that this is really what life is all about - the raising of children from babies to adulthood and part of that process includes raising ourselves. And if we resist, we might find ourselves falling deeper into a dark hole of anger and depression and never attaining the heights of joy that God has planned for us. God bless!!

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