Monday, February 21, 2011

Mon Feb 21, 2011 - St. Peter Damian | Saint of the Day |

St. Peter Damian, pray for us!!

St. Peter Damian | Saint of the Day |

Verbum Domini - Pope Benedict XVI

Knowledge of the Bible in schools and universities

One particular setting for an encounter between the word of God and culture is that of schools and universities. Pastors should be especially attentive to this milieu, promoting a deeper knowledge of the Bible and a grasp of its fruitful cultural implications also for the present day. Study centres supported by Catholic groups offer a distinct contribution to the promotion of culture and education – and this ought to be recognized. Nor must religious education be neglected, and religion teachers should be given careful training. Religious education is often the sole opportunity available for students to encounter the message of faith. In the teaching of religion, emphasis should be laid on knowledge of sacred Scripture, as a means of overcoming prejudices old and new, and enabling its truth to be better known.[358]

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