Friday, October 14, 2011

Fri Oct 14, 2011 - St. Callistus I | Saint of the Day |

St. Callistus, pray for us!!

St. Callistus I | Saint of the Day |

The Happy Priest On Continuing Our Preparation of the New Mass Translation - Living Faith - Home & Family - Catholic Online

Ecclesia de Eucharistia - Pope John Paul II

33. When, due to the scarcity of priests, non-ordained members of the faithful are entrusted with a share in the pastoral care of a parish, they should bear in mind that – as the Second Vatican Council teaches – “no Christian community can be built up unless it has its basis and centre in the celebration of the most Holy Eucharist”.66 They have a responsibility, therefore, to keep alive in the community a genuine “hunger” for the Eucharist, so that no opportunity for the celebration of Mass will ever be missed, also taking advantage of the occasional presence of a priest who is not impeded by Church law from celebrating Mass.

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